Hey curvy girls all over the world,
I’m excited to announce that Stylish Curves of The Day is now on Tumblr. Yes, SCOD is one of the most piopular features on this blog and I thought it would be great to have an extension of it by creating its own Tumblr. If you are rocking a cute outfit that embraces your plus size curves then feel free to submit your photo on our new Tumblr page. I will still be doing the SCOD on the blog, just remember to be featured on the blog you have to send in about 4-6 full length pictures of your best looks.
However, if you just want to submit one photo (full length) you can submit via the new Tumblr. So, follow us on Tumblr at www.stylishcurvesoftheday.tumblr.com
To submit your pictures just click the Submit button in the top left hand corner (pictured above). I’ve already started putting up some old SCOD features. So head on over and check it out.