Hey curvy girls,
It looks like the curvy girl hater Karl Lagerfeld has jumped on the curvy acceptance bandwagon and decided to have super model Crystal Renn walk in the Chanel 2011 Resort Collection. Don’t believe me, well the proof is in the pictures. I heard the rumors, but, didn’t want to post about it until I saw pictures and look what Madison Plus (curvy girl blog) got their hands on.
Lately everyone has been noticing Crystal Renn’s slimmer figure. First on the cover of Glamour then on the Times London cover and again in the German magazine Tush. I am wondering if the reasoning for her slimmer figure is to expand her modeling career beyond the plus size industry?
Who would’ve thought old Lagerfeld would breakdown and have a curvy girl walk in Chanel? It figures that they would put the curvy girl in the least appealing looks, but, Ms. Renn is working it.
I’ll keep you guys posted on more pics as they surface. Gotta love Madison Plus for staying on top of curvy girl news.
This is great to hear. Not to be on the negative side, but I wonder if this will actually lead to the more fuller figured women actually having spot on the runway or is this as far as it will go? Nevertheless this is a good thing.
Is she really considered curvy?? I guess in Model World she is:)