Hey curvy girls all over the world,
Hope you guys had a wonderful holiday. I know I did. I got some much needed rest.
Yesterday it was brought to my attention that I was featured on a couple of sites. One of them being Skorch Magazine. Skorch chose me for their “Best Dressed” feature. and I was truly honored.
You can checkout the feature at Skorch Magazine
I also received an email from Shoeternity that I won look of the week for my striped skirt look. Winning look of the week on Shoeternity is fantastic because you also win a free pair pair of shoes from Bakers. you guys know how much I love shoes.
You can checkout Shoeternity Here
I just want to say, thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for all your support.
congrats ;D
Congrats lady!!
Nice! Congratulations.
Congrats on your features and the free pair of shoes!! You deserve it! Way to bring in the new year!
Aaayyyyeeee… congrats on the feature!!!!
Congrats girl! You be killing them. 🙂
Thanks Ladies!