Woman Within just launched a new body positive campaign where they featured real customers and bloggers. The new “Every Body is Beautiful” campaign is all about body positivity and helping women to love the skin their in. In addition, the campaign initiative is to celebrate women of all ages, sizes, and ethnicities.
This new campaign features 6 plus size influencers and a few of Woman Within’s real customers. We love when brands not only talk about being inclusive but also showing that they’re inclusive. What’s cool about the campaign is that it features women ranging in age from 25-75 and in sizes 14-34. Woman Within chose these specific women to represent their commitment to serving all women.

Plus size influencers like Glitter and Lazers, Suit, Heels, & Curves, Allison Kimmey, The plus life blog, Carine, and model Maxie Greene are also in the campaign.

All the women are wearing casual spring styles ranging from jeans and floral tops to casual maxi dresses.

You can checkout the entire campaign and shop the collection at Woman Within.