Hey curvy girls all over the world,
In July of this year I decided to change up my hair style for the end summer. Normally when the end of summer rolls around, I get a long ponytail because of the humidity. However, this summer, I decided to get a full head of extensions. I am in the process of growing my hair out so extensions seemed to be the best thing for me to do. Getting a full head of extensions meant that my natural hair would be braided which would help prevent my hair from breakage and damage while it grew out.
For my full head of extensions, I decided to try stylist Courntey Foster of Cofo Beauty. Courtney is a stylist over at the Blink Beauty salon near Union Square. During the summer she launched her new line of hair called Cofo by Courtney Foster and I decided to give it a try. I met Courtney at the Blink salon before I headed to Chicago for Blogher.
Courtney and I had a consultation on what style I wanted and what type of hair I wanted to use. I got 2 bundles of the Cofo by Courtney Foster Brazilian hair in an 18 inch. Courtney’s namesake hair was thick, soft, and it had body. Once she installed it, she used a Wella heat protective spray on it and then flat ironed it straight. The next morning I put in a few curls and the hair curled very easily and gave me a nice wave.
The picture below shows just how great the hair looked.
After 3 weeks went by, I went back to Courtney for a wash and curl. Courtney used a curling wand to curl my hair.
I went home and pinned curled it to maintain the curls and the next day my curls were intact. Below is how it looked:
By 2nd month of wearing the Cofo by Courtney Foster Brazilian hair, it still looked good. I decided to add a little spice to my look by getting an ombre color. Courtney dyed half of my hair and used Argan oil to keep it moisturized. I loved what she did and below is how it looked:
During the final month (4th month) the hair held up well. Throughout the course of the 4 months, there was minor shedding but overall, I thought Courtney’s hair and styling was fantastic. The picture below is the hair at the 4 month stage.
Cofo By Courtney Foster hair is very affordable compared to most brands. She has the best prices around. My 18 inch hair was only $75 a bundle. As you can see, I rocked a number of styles with the hair and there were no problems.
For more pricing and information on Courtney Foster Beauty, visit her website HERE
You can also follow and see her work on Instagram @cofobeauty