Hey curvy girls all over the world,
As a woman of color it used to be really hard to find beauty products that suited my skin tone in the drugstore. The only brands you used to be able to find flattering shades in was Cover Girl and Maybelline. Today, drugstore brands have really stepped of their beauty products to flatter a wider variety of skin tones. I feel like brands like Cover Girl, Nyx, Revlon, and Maybelline get so much love that women of color forget about the brands that actually were designed for us. There are brands that actually were created specifically for women of color. Not just black women but women of the olive to deep brown cocoa skin tones. So, today’s video is dedicated to two of my favorite drugstore brands. Black Opal and Black Radiance.
In this video, I share some of my all time favorite products from these two brands. Checkout the video below and subscribe to the Stylish Curves Youtube Channel HERE