Words can’t express the frustration and sadness I’ve always felt when it comes to the injustice that black people face. This month in particular has been draining. With the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, my heart is heavy. Seeing protesters be blasted with tear gas and rubber bullets is frightening. Watching black neighborhoods burn down is gut-wrenching. Black people fighting against racism and injustice has been an arduous journey. Protestors are being arrested for simply defending their right to protest as well as standing up for what they believe in, they are also being held by police which is upsetting and frightening. It is important that they are able to access legal representation with law firms like Salwin Law Group and others, being contacted to help them fight for their right to speak out against these atrocities.
What I’ve also noticed is the amount of fashion brands that are sitting back in silence or reposting stock photos with empty messages of support. Many of these brands have grown their businesses with black dollars. These are brands that have used black culture and black influencers (like myself) for campaigns. However, have not shown publicly a drop of support to what so many black people are facing at this moment.

I do understand that there are people who want to support the black community, the protestors, and the families of all the victims. So, if you are sitting in silence because you don’t know how to help, below is a list of ways that you can support the fight against injustice.
How You Can Support The Black Community
Speak Out
The easiest way to support is simply by opening up your mouth and using your platforms to speak out against the injustice. Not in a tone deaf way but in a real and genuine way. Use your words to acknowledge the injustice you are seeing. Empower and uplift your following with words of encouragement and support.
Sign Petitions
Over 8 million people have signed the Change.org petition to get all the officers charges in the George Floyd case.
Sign the petition for Breonna Taylor who was shot in her home by police officers

There are quite a few charities, freedom funds, and bail out funds that you can donate to. If you know anyone that needs to be bailed out but can’t get the money together in time, there is always the option of a bail bonds company to help out in these instances if a fall back is needed.
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.
The Minnesota Freedom Fund pays criminal bail and immigration bond for those who cannot afford to as we seek to end discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing.
The National Bail Fund Network is made up of over sixty community bail and bond funds across the country. We regularly update this listing of community bail funds that are freeing people by paying bail/bond and are also fighting to abolish the money bail system and pretrial detention. If the required information is unavailable on the network, simply doing a quick Google search using search phrases like “San Diego Bail Bonds” can also land you on various informational sites that can provide the right assistance.
Challenge racism, inequality and injustice. Help protect the presumption of innocence and secure the freedom of immigrants from ICE detention. Fight back against legal systems that target and harm low income communities of color.
I Run With Maud Justice For Amaud Arbery Fundraiser
Referred directly from defense counsel, the target population for The Liberty Fund services will be low-income individuals, charged with misdemeanor crimes who: 1) cannot afford their bail when set at $2,000 or less; or 2) are released on their own recognizance (ROR).
They provide support for people who are arrested at protests, or otherwise prosecuted for their movement involvement.
The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is a critical tool to prevent incarceration and combat racial and economic disparities in the bail system.

If there are peaceful protests in your area, you can join the protest and peacefully march for change. If you’re looking for tips on protesting, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shares tips on what to bring for protestors.
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