When it comes to sneakers or athletic streetwear plus size women are often left out of the conversation. Even though big brands like Nike and Adidas have started to include plus size models in their advertisements. If you go to any sneaker lovers page on social media, you won’t see many photos of plus size women.
For years plus size influencers have voiced their frustrations about the lack of representation. As a result of being ignored, two plus size influencers decided to create a community for plus size sneakerheads. Meet “Thick Laces.”

A New Community For Plus Size Sneakerheads
Thick Laces was created by plus size model and influencer Essie Golden of Golden Confidence and influencer Katie Alexis of Kurvy Katie. These ladies joined forces to create a sneaker community for plus size women who love sneakers and streetwear. In an IG video to introduce the new plus size sneakerheads community, Co-founder Essie Golden said,
“For the past two years I’ve really been into sneakers, learning and growing. While I was learning and growing I was searching and looking at different pages and often these pages weren’t showcasing plus size women. We are always left out of the conversation. So, if you don’t see it you gotta create it.”
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I’ve really never paid any attention because I’m looking at the feet not person. I’ve seen a couple here & there before. Yes! Why not represent all bodies..
Awesome Chubby Chicks is also a great + sneaker community on social