Blogging For Beginners and intermediate bloggers.
If you’re a beginner blogger or a seasoned blogger, and feel like you’re not where you want to be, I want to take some time out to encourage you today. I’ve been blogging for a little over 10 years and have experienced just about every positive and negative feeling that comes with blogging.
Today I am sharing my personal tried and true tips on how to stay motivated and avoid the pitfalls.
Should You Quit Blogging?
As an OG blogger, I know how frustrating it can be to want to pursue a career in this industry. There were days when I wanted to quit. You can ask any of my friends and family how many times I called them up and told them I was quitting. I know so many people go through the same thing and they have pull themselves back and remember why they are doing it in the first place and will do what they can to pursue it, from using resume writers to make them stand out more, to taking additional courses to show that they are serious about their career path.
Back in my early blogging days, I would ask myself every couple of months, should I quit blogging. My mind would play tricks on me and tell me no one is reading your stuff. No one cares what you have to say. On top of that, my website would keep crashing down randomly, and I would not know how to fix the error, which was highly demotivating. Have you been down this road? Did you ever think to yourself, should I quit blogging?

Well, let me say this. Blogging is not rocket science but it’s no walk in the park either. Especially when you want to make money from it. It takes time, patience, juggling, and creativity to be a successful money-making blogger.
I consider blogging like the music industry. It’s filled with talented artists who are just waiting to get their shot to shine and make enough money to quit their jobs.
I approach each blog post like making songs for an album. They’re like singles to me. Some posts are instant hits and can get you the press, money, and exposure you need to skyrocket your blogging career. Then there are some posts that will not get the attention and support you hoped for.

For a myriad of bloggers we all started this journey as a creative outlet. A chance to share our interests and unique talents with like-minded people. Quite a few bloggers started blogging to create their own businesses. Others use it as an extension for their already established businesses. Whatever the case may be, if you want to make money from your blogs, you could also think about using an evergreen funnel. These kinds of tools can let you earn a passive income, which can be a great way to get your blog off to a solid start.
As the blogging industry continues to become saturated, it’s easy to feel like you’re never going to be seen or make the money that you want from it. Especially when you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect blog posts and only a few people read them. It’s easy to want to quit when you compare your success and opportunities to your peers.
Well, I’m here to tell you NOT TO GIVE UP.

I’ve been in this industry for 10 years and I can tell you I’ve gone through all of these emotions. When I felt less than and wanted to quit, I had to remember why I started in the first place. I had to create a motivational plan to keep going. Deep down inside I didn’t want to quit.
So, below are a few things I did that kept me motivated blog. After doing them, I’m glad I didn’t give up. Blogging is my full-time career and has opened doors for me that I didn’t even know were there.
Blogging Motivational Tips
If you’re a blogger who loves what you do, who loves to blog, who can’t go a day without coming up with some new fun, quirky post for your readers then I have a few blogging tips on how to stay encouraged and continue to blog even if you’re not considered a blogging star or if you don’t fit into the mold of what a top blogger is:
Never Measure Your Success Against Someone Else’s Success
When we see bloggers snag amazing dream deals such as ad campaigns or book deals doesn’t mean that it can’t happen to you or that it hasn’t happened to you because your blog isn’t good enough. We must set our own personal goals for ourselves and never compare them to anyone.
Not to get all spiritual on you but, what is for you, is for you. Sometimes we have to be patient or continue to grow and develop our own skills and talents before the next big thing comes along. You never know what someone has sacrificed or done to get to where they are.
Appreciate Both Big and Small Wins
I have to be honest. I recently learned this lesson. Sometimes we are so caught up in why we didn’t get something or why we were asked to be part of something that we forget about all the accomplishments and really, really great projects that we worked on and were successful and probably started a long-lasting relationship.
If we can’t be thankful for the small things how can we appreciate the big ones? Once you start being truly and sincerely happy with the projects you worked on or the blogger that thought your blog was so cool they gave you an award or featured you on their site, more and more great things will happen for you.

Don’t Compete With Other Bloggers
Out of the hundreds of interviews Beyonce has done, there is one statement that she says that has always stuck with me. Whenever she is asked how does she stay so fresh and popular or is there anyone that she tries to follow she always says, I only compete with myself. I try to do better than what I’ve done before. Most recently, Victoria Beckham said those same exact words when asked about designing (read here).
Seriously, those are words to live by. Blogging is not a competition. Now, I would be lying if I didn’t say there are top bloggers or Queen B. bloggers if you will, and there is nothing wrong with being inspired by them or admiring their work, but there’s no need to compete. All you can do is stay true to yourself and you will gain a loyal following because of it.
Additionally, you might want to consider partnering with a blogger outreach service that can provide you with strategies and help create engaging content. These service providers could possibly recommend high-quality websites in your niche, which can be of use to you. As bloggers we all have our own voices, niches, and audience, so you shouldn’t be trying to compete, instead, you should work on honing your own skills and talents to make YOUR blog greater than it already is.
Don’t Hate Congratulate
Remember back in the ’90s when the word hate was brought back to life due to rappers calling out their jealous enemies? And remember when everyone started coming up with their own little sayings incorporating the word, like don’t hate congratulate?
Well, it’s true. I must repeat what I said in tip #1, “You never know what someone else has done or sacrificed to get to where they are.” This doesn’t have to just pertain to blogging but with anything in life.
Instead of giving some of your fellow bloggers the side-eye, tweet them, leave them a message on FB, or email them and just say congrats when they announce new projects or partnerships. Not hard at all, right? Wouldn’t you want to receive the same positive salutation back for things you’re working on?
Set Clear Realistic Goals For Your Blog
With anything you want to achieve in life you have to not only work hard for it but you must plan and set realistic goals. Not every blogger is concerned with being #1 or even being included in a list of who’s who of their perspective niches.
As a blogger you should have a clear goal of what you want your blog to do for you. Some people blog to land their dream job, to solidify themselves as experts in a certain field, to make enough money to never work for the man again.
Whatever your goal is, make a plan to achieve it. This has to be a plan that is specific to what you want. Go old school and write down your goals in a notebook, then list the actions needed to be taken, and then set a deadline for each goal. It’s important to keep a progress report so you know that you are staying on track.
READ THIS: How To Start A Fashion Blog
Change What You Don’t Like
If there is something you don’t like about your blog, change it. It’s as simple as that. Most top bloggers have gone through trial and error to get their blogs to where they are now. If you want to experiment with a new layout or if you want to add some of your other interests to your blog, upgrade the quality of your photos, whatever you feel that you need to do to reach your blog dreams then change it.
These are tips I live by myself. I have been blogging for 3 1/2 years and have experienced so many emotions, good and bad for the industry. I sincerely love blogging and actually dream about blog posts. Even if I still had 10 followers as I did 3 years ago, I would still blog.
When it comes to blogging and achieving your blog dreams, remember this:
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” -Steve Martin
How do you stay encouraged? Share some of your motivational blogging tips
First Photo Credit: Madame Noire
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This article is part of our “Dropping Jewels” series that is dedicated to helping new bloggers.
Originally posted on August 20, 2012
Great tips!!
I stay encouraged because it’s something that I want to do. It’s a hobby for me. I’m not one who’s concerned with the “top tier”, or the industry. I am genuine in my writing, and my commenting on other blogs. I have come in contact with a lot of lovely ladies through blogging who inspire me every day.
Uau!!!! Motivador esse post!!!
love…love my blog hahaahahah
Great advice!!!
Beautiful post… I just started all over.. from scratch… and I will build my way up from there. I know it’s probably blogger faux pas to get rid of archives. But I did, and I’m happier for it. Wonderful tips, you’ve always been one of my favorite bloggers. You’re beautiful, inspiring, intelligent and stylish! Thank you for the encouragement!
my new blog is
I blog because I find it fun. I get feedback from a few loyal followers and I’ve met some great people through it. My blog isn’t huge but I think it’s good.
I get an outlet to rant, a place to post photos of myself and it’s been invaluable in my weight loss efforts over the past few years.
Wow!!!!! I love this post thank u for the motivation dear 🙂 I always ompete with myself I’ve never wanted to be like anyone else I just wish others could be that way , in the blog world I have seen others steal poses uggggh even take others ideas or switch their blog name smdh it’s so obvious they’re not being original . I thank u again for this dear
Great tips!!!
I stay encouraged by keeping my focus and remembering why I started blogging. I didn’t do it to be recognized or to make a career out of it. I blog because I love it and I love connecting with other readers/bloggers all over the world focusing on what I love not my claim to fame.
Great post!
Thanks so much for this post. I truly have been reevaluating my blog and changes that need to be make. Your points make sense and are encouraging!!!
Thank you SO much for this thoughtful post! I especially appreciate it because you are one of my blogging role models. To see your success and still know that you go/have been through the ups and downs of blogging gives me comfort and motivation. I admit it – I am a competitive person in just about every other area of my life. So, to not be #1 in the blogging arena is a tough pill to swallow. I have to constantly remind myself that, first and foremost, I’m still relatively new (my 1st bloggiversary is coming up next month!). Even if I wasn’t, it’s important to stay true to my own voice and vision. I agree with you – even if I only had 10 followers, I would still blog. For me, it’s the fulfillment of a dream I’ve had for years . . . I’ve always known I am a writer. Blogging allows me to actually bring that dream to life . . . 300 words or so at a time 🙂
Thanks Alyssa!
You gave some great advice Alissa and I absolutely agree with you on everything that you mentioned. It can become a bit discouraging at times, but overall you can’t forget the reason that you started. Very encouraging and thanks for sharing.
And again it was great to meet you at BlogHer 🙂
This is such a timely post! I apprecitate your honesty and advice. Im new to blogging & I have a few ideas of where I want to take my blog but I kinda get stuck with how to achieve those goals. Your post has definitely inspired me to challenge myself more & to make those changes to my blog. Again, thank you!
love this post – especially because i am constantly feeling discouraged about my own blog! thank you for posting this!
You are such an inspiring personality. I read your post on how to start a fashion blog and started with my first blog.